How to Believe in You

Sometimes, when you intend to start a business or launch a product or just about anything that your name is attached to, you probably know what to do and the necessary process. But, most times, you are afraid to push what you are doing to the public; you are afraid of criticism, you are afraid of being turned down, you are afraid of making mistakes, you are afraid of failing. The bad news is; you secretly don’t believe in yourself or what you can do. But the good news is; you are not alone.

How to Believe in You
By BusinessIQ Africa Team

Published June 4th. 2020

There is nothing wrong with feeling that way. Every successful business owners, inventors and creators also went through the same self inflicted emotional torture and unnecessary inferiority complex. But what these successful people learnt very quickly is to believe in themselves. If you want others to believe in your business—or product—which is an extension of you, then first, you must learn to believe in yourself.

Some are fortunate to be born into the royal family—according to them, blue blood—where they are trained from childhood on how to be superior to others. Some are fortunate trust fund babies-turned-adults and were exposed to the luxury and whatsoever had unconsciously helped them to build their self-esteem and confidence. You may not be from any of these two groups and life had dealt with you and taught you to be timid. The people around you had screamed into your head, while growing up, that you are nobody. You may have been consciously or unconsciously battered emotionally.

If you are from this group, grab a pen and notepad. Start by writing down, in affirmative statements, the beautiful things you secretly admire about yourself. If you don’t admire anything about yourself, write down the beautiful things you admire in others and just personalized them. Even if you feel distant away from what you writing down, just go ahead and keep writing until you are done.

Once you are done writing down, you have passed the first stage to renewing your self-esteem. Secondly, stand in front of the mirror, at least twice a day (first thing in the morning and last thing before you sleep at night), and read aloud to yourself what you have written down, whether you believe what you are saying or not. You may not believe it, but the universe and your subconscious mind believe everything you are saying. Keep repeating this process like forever. Even when you see your courage building up, don’t stop repeating the process in front of your mirror. As you do that, you are unconsciously overwriting the negative existing programs in your mind with positive ones. Here is what you are doing, you are simply re-engineering yourself. You are reconfiguring your entire being. In a layman language, you are changing yourself from that timid fellow to someone with a superior self-esteem.

The next thing you need to do is to take action and throw caution into the air. Most times your actions will unconsciously respond to your believe. So, when you start feeling or acting differently or taking some unplanned actions, don’t fight it. Don’t think when the opportunity comes for you to take any action; just do it. Don’t think about the criticism, just act. Don’t think about failing, just plunge ahead. Don’t think about wining, just win.

So, when it comes to starting your own business—or launching your product—just send it to orbit (the public), whether it is perfect or not. Rome, Paris, Dubai and Las Vegas weren’t built in a day. Everything is a work in progress. So are you, your business or product. Accept criticism, make mistakes and fail over and over again, but don’t give up. Examine the negative and positive feedbacks and re-launch your business or product. Pretty soon, you will no longer have to worry about acceptance. 


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